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Vincent Bengold
© Vincent Bengold

Discover the Bordeaux vineyard!

Are you eager to visit the wine regions of Bordeaux but you don’t know where to start? Let us guide you! Whether you’re keen for a getaway in a side-car or an iconic Citroën 2CV,  a wine cruise or a guided tour, here are some suggestions to enjoy a fun, playful or romantic trip in the vineyard. Everything is planned in advance; you just have to enjoy your day!

Explore the vineyards in a side-car

The adventure begins just outside your hotel or in front of the Bordeaux Tourist Office. After a quick rundown of the schedule, hop on a vintage side-car and embark on a 4-hour adventure accompanied by your private driver and guide! The ride takes you along small paths amidst natural scenery and brings you right in the middle of the vineyards. Two stopovers are planned during each trip: for the tours in the Médoc and in the Graves, you will visit two Chateaux classés and enjoy a tasting session at the end. The third tour, in Saint Emilion, includes a visit/tasting as well as a tour of the medieval village. 

Visiter le vignoble de Bordeaux en side-car

A day in a winemaking estate

Vous n'êtes de passage que quelques jours et vous aimeriez découvrir le vignoble de Bordeaux ? Cette formule est pour vous ! Chaque jour la destination change pour vous offrir, le temps d'un après-midi, un aperçu d'une région viticole (Médoc, Blayais et Bourgeais, Entre-deux-Mers, Graves et Sauternais) ou d'une appellation (Saint-Emilion).

À vous de choisir... ou de tester chaque destination ? Le guide conférencier qui vous accompagne vous réserve des surprises différentes à chaque escapade comme la rencontre avec le propriétaire d'un Château, la visite d'un chai aux 1000 barriques ou encore une dégustation de toutes les couleurs du Bordeaux. À chaque fois vous visitez deux propriétés (le cuvier, les chais…) incluant la dégustation de deux vins (excepté à Saint-Emilion où vous visiterez une propriété ainsi que l'église monolithe souterraine dans le village).

Are you only passing through for a few days and you would like to discover the vineyards of Bordeaux? This tour is for you! Every day, the destination changes to offer you, for an afternoon, an overview of a wine region (Médoc, Blayais and Bourgeais, Entre-deux-Mers, Graves and Sauternes) or an appellation (Saint-Emilion).

You’re free to choose your prefered destination, or visit them all! During each trip, your tour guide will have different surprises in store for you. It could be an encounter with the owner of a Château, a visit to a 1000-barrel winery or a tasting of all the colours of Bordeaux. Each tour includes the visit of two estates (the fermenting room, the cellars...) and a tasting session of two different wines (except in Saint-Emilion where you will visit one estate as well as the village’s underground monolithic church).

  • (+33) 05 56 00 66 00 

Visite des chais du vignoble bordelais avec guide conférencier
Teddy Verneuil @Lezbroz

A gourmet day in Margaux

Voici une excursion pour les palais sélectifs : Margaux, l'une des appellations les plus connues du Médoc, n'aura bientôt plus de secrets pour vous. Au cours de cette journée thématique dans le vignoble, vous visiterez trois propriétés. Au Château Prieuré-Lichine et au Château La Tour de Bessan, vous dégusterez des vins fabuleux accompagnés de spécialités de la région, sans oublier le déjeuner au Château Kirwan. Selon les haltes, vous découvrirez l'histoire des vins de Bordeaux, vous en saurez plus sur les cépages, la dégustation, l'assemblage ou encore la commercialisation grâce aux explications d'un guide professionnel. Une journée pour se laisser guider et savourer !

Here’s an excursion for amateurs of fine wine! Margaux, one of the most famous appellations of the Médoc, invites you to uncover its most well-kept secrets. During this themed day tour in the vineyard, you will visit three estates. At Château Prieuré-Lichine and Château La Tour de Bessan, you will taste fabulous wines accompanied by regional specialities, and enjoy a delicious lunch at Château Kirwan. Depending on the stopovers, a professional guide will take you through the history of Bordeaux wines, explain the different grape varieties, the art of wine tasting, blending methods, and commercial aspects. Embark on this fascinating and tasty journey through the art of winemaking!

Journée gourmande Margaux, près de Bordeaux
Château Kirwan

Visit the vineyard in a vintage Citroën 2CV!

Hop into this legendary car to discover Saint-Emilion, the first vineyard listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site! You can also opt for a tour of the Médoc! Everything is planned for this day in full autonomy. Along with your rented car, you will receive a map detailing your itinerary. The map also features a treasure hunt game to explore your surroundings while having fun. You can also book a tasting session and visit of a partner château. If you prefer to have a guided tour, it’s also an option! A private chauffeur who loves the vineyards and is passionate about winemaking will pick you up anywhere downtown Bordeaux and take you on a 4-hour trip with two tasting stopovers!

Visiter le vignoble bordelais en 2CV
Bordeaux by Terres Basques

Discover the vineyards via a river cruise!

What if you discovered Bordeaux’s vineyards by cruising on the Garonne River for a day or an afternoon? The tour begins Quai Richelieu, on the main pontoon, where you will embark aboard the Marco Polo boat. The guided trip allows you to sit back and admire the river and the Gironde Estuary. While enjoying the scenery, you will taste Médoc wines. After a delicious lunch onboard giving pride of place Basque products, you will drop anchor at Fort-Médoc, a Vauban fortification listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A coach will then drive you along the Route des Châteaux with a stopover in a chateau that will include a visit and a wine tasting session.

The half-day trip begins on the Route des Châteaux and ends on the river with a tasting of three wines. 

  • Les bateaux bordelais
  • +33 (5) 56 39 27 66  
  • Book your wine cruise

croisière fluviale pour découvrir les vignes de Bordeaux
Teddy Verneuil @Lezbroz

Bordeaux CityPass

For those who wish to make the most of their stay, the Bordeaux CityPass is really the best. This pass is available for 24, 48 or 72 consecutive hours.

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