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Vent d'Autan - C.Bouthé
© Vent d'Autan - C.Bouthé

Water Mirror

The "Miroir d'Eau" is less than 20 years old, but located just across from a monument nearly 3 centuries old, it has become one of the city's main attractions. Located across from Place de la Bourse, between Quai de la Douane and Quai Louis XVIII, this spectacular pool, designed by landscape artist Michel Corajoud, alternates a mirror effect and artificial misting in an extraordinary way. 

The Water Mirror of Bordeaux

The rhythmic changes in 2 cm of water on a gigantic slab of granite make this location truly magical. Children adore playing here and it is a meeting place for lovers as well as people who enjoy putting their feet into the cool water in summer! Located between the Garonne and beautiful 18th century façades, the Mirroir d'Eau is the most-photographed site in Bordeaux and is listed as a contemporary World Heritage Site by Unesco.  You can immortalise the pool too, and send the photos to your friends around the world.

How does the water mirror work?

Water is stored underground in an 800 m3 reservoir. It is then pumped to the surface and distributed through a hundred or so channels located beneath the slab. The water then flows through the joints in the slab to spread over its entire surface. After a period of time pre-programmed by a computer, a system of solenoid valves allows the water to return to the reservoir to regain its optimal temperature. It is at this point that the fog effect can be activated: some 900 injectors, placed in the center of each tile, generate a fog, followed by the mirror effect which takes over.

Miroir d'eau
© Teddy Verneuil - @lezbroz
Miroir d'eau©Teddy Verneuil - @lezbroz

The Place de la Bourse

It took 20 years of hard work in the 18th century to build what has since become the city's very symbol! The square represents a break with medieval Bordeaux surrounded by walls for centuries. The city was finally free to grow! Intendant Boucher had tried to convince the town aldermen and the parliament to create the square and open up the city walls since 1720. He decided to entrust Jacques Gabriel, Louis XV's "First Architect" with designing this rectangular square with bevelled corners, as well as constructing the famous buildings decorated with mascarons and wrought iron. The buildings framing this place royale consist of the Hôtel des Fermes built by Gabriel's father, followed by the Hôtel de la Bourse built by Gabriel himself, and the isolated central pavilion (1735-1755).

Place de la Bourse was originally separated from the river by railings, but these disappeared during the French Revolution. The equestrian statue of the king was briefly replaced by one of Napoleon, followed by the Fountain of the Three Graces in 1869… The latter has been much appreciated ever since and is photographed by tourists from all over the world.

Place de la bourse et fontaine des Trois Grâces
© nonglak -
Place de la bourse et fontaine des Trois Grâces ©Nonglak -

Practical information

Water mirror

See on the map


  • Place de la Bourse, 33000 Bordeaux
Miroir d'eau
© ivoderooij -
Miroir d'eau
© Steve Le Clech Photos
Miroir d'eau
© Yann Texier
Miroir d'eau
© Vent d'Autan - C. Bouthé

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