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Bordeaux in a wheelchair - Martin Petit's recommendations

In Bordeaux, there are many places where it’s easy to get around in a wheelchair. Martin Petit, a social network influencer (@el_marticino), gives us the lowdown on his favourite spots to visit and some tips for exploring Bordeaux with a motor impairment.

What do you think about Bordeaux in terms of accessibility for wheelchair users?

I think that the city is very good in that respect. There are some cobbled streets in the old town but they’re still negotiable. You also have to be careful with the tramlines, like next to the Grand Théâtre.

Is public transport easy to use in a wheelchair?

Yes, especially the tram! It’s very accessible. Some of the platforms are not very wide, but that’s linked to the streets’ layout. It’s still always accessible. As for the bus, they can get you to places where the tram doesn’t go. Personally, as I quickly lose my balance in my wheelchair, I prefer the tram, where the corners and braking are more gentle than the bus.

comment découvrir Bordeaux en handicap moteur
© @el_marticino

Which apps are the most useful for getting around Bordeaux?

When I take public transport, I get my tickets with the app Witick. As I don’t have the use of my fingers, it’s easier for me to buy my tickets this way. It also means I don’t have to queue at the ticket machine. On the tram, I just pass my smartphone in front of the scanner. Also, I use the TBM app a lot to prepare my journey; I use it to find the best routes.

Where do you like to go to get some air?

The quays are ideal if you’re in a wheelchair! It’s all flat, there are spaced ramps that lead up to Bordea'Eau village if you want to do some shopping. Next, you can stop at the Halles de Bacalan or the highly-accessible Cité du Vin. You can easily reach the right bank by crossing the Chaban Delmas bridge. The cycle lane that runs alongside the Garonne is perfect for wheelchair users. 

Bordeaux en fauteuil roulant
© Teddy Verneuil @lesbroz - the right bank quays

Where do you recommend visiting in Bordeaux?

I really like Darwin. The ambiance is nice and the people are kind. You can go for a drink, grab a bite to eat, admire the street art, or even skate! The association Pratikable proposes wheelchair skating sessions. Also in Bordeaux, it’s easy to navigate the area around the Grand Théâtre. Place Pey Berland is also worth the detour and it’s very easy to access? I recently took some friends there when they were visiting Bordeaux!

Where are your favourite places to eat?

I know plenty! If I had to choose, I would say Le Clémenceau on the corner of Place Gambetta, it’s a really nice place. For brunch, I recommend Contrast. There’s also Le Siman, on the rive droite; that’s where I recently celebrated my 30th birthday! In summer, Les Chantiers de la Garonne has a great view of the left bank. I also really like Eklo and Café Bastide.

Follow Martin:

  • On Facebook and Instagram: @el_marticino
  • On youtube: step by wheel

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